
光学玻璃用碳化硅 绿碳化硅碳化硅是用石英砂、石油焦(或煤焦)、木屑(生产绿色碳化硅时需要加食盐)等原料在电阻炉内经高温冶炼而成。在当代C、N、B等非氧化物高技术耐火原料中,碳化硅为应用广泛、经济的一种,可以称为金钢砂或耐火砂。碳化硅又称碳硅石、金刚砂、耐火砂,是用石英砂、石油焦、木屑等原料在电阻炉中经高温冶炼而成。碳化硅有黑碳化硅和绿碳化硅两个常用的基本品种:①黑碳化硅含SiC约95%,其韧性高于绿碳化硅,黑碳化硅用于加工抗张强度低的材料,如玻璃、陶瓷、石材、耐火材料、铸铁和有色金属等;②绿碳化硅含SiC98%以上,自锐性好,绿碳化硅用于加工硬质合金、钛合金和光学玻璃,绿碳化硅用于珩磨汽缸套和精磨高速钢。碳化硅具有化学性能稳定、导热系数高、热膨胀系数小、耐磨性能好、耐腐蚀、耐高温、强度大、导热性能良好、抗冲击等特性。项目SiCFe2O3F.CⅠ≥97%≤1.2%≤0.3%Ⅱ≥90%≤1.5%≤0.5%比重3.2g/cm3堆积密度1.53g/cm3熔点1800 °C高使用温度1750 °C莫氏硬度9.2显微硬度2840~3320kg/mm2线膨胀系数1.5-2磨料磨具方面:碳化硅主要用于制作砂轮、砂纸、砂带、油石、磨块、磨头、研磨膏及光伏产品中单晶硅、多晶硅和电子行业的压电晶体等方面的研磨、抛光等。化工方面:碳化硅可用做炼钢的脱氧剂和铸铁组织的改良剂,可用做制造四氯化硅的原料,是硅树脂工业的主要原料。碳化硅脱氧剂是一种新型的强复合脱氧剂,取代了传统的硅粉碳粉进行脱氧,和原工艺相比各项理化性能更加稳定,脱氧效果好,使脱氧时间缩短,节约能源,提高炼钢效率,提高钢的质量,降低原辅材料消耗,减少环境污染,改善劳动条件,提高电炉的综合经济效益都具有重要价值。耐磨、耐火和耐腐蚀材料方面:利用碳化硅具有耐腐蚀、耐高温、强度大、导热性能良好、抗冲击等特性,碳化硅一方面可用于各种冶炼炉衬、高温炉窑构件、碳化硅板、衬板、支撑件、匣钵、碳化硅坩埚等。另一方面碳化硅可用于有色金属冶炼工业的高温间接加热材料,如竖罐蒸馏炉、精馏炉塔盘、铝电解槽、铜熔化炉内衬、锌粉炉用弧型板、热电偶保护管等。碳化硅用于制作耐磨、耐蚀、耐高温等高级碳化硅陶瓷材料。碳化硅还可以制做火箭喷管、燃气轮机叶片等。此外,碳化硅也是高速公路、航空飞机跑道太阳能热水器等的理想材料之一。有色金属方面:利用碳化硅具有耐高温,强度大,导热性能良好,抗冲击,作高温间接加热材料,如坚罐蒸馏炉,精馏炉塔盘,铝电解槽,铜熔化炉内衬,锌粉炉用弧型板,热电偶保护管等。钢铁方面:利用碳化硅的耐腐蚀,抗热冲击耐磨损,导热好的特点,用于大型高炉内衬提高了使用寿命。冶金选矿方面:碳化硅硬度仅次于金刚石,具有较强的耐磨性能,碳化硅是耐磨管道,叶轮、泵室、旋流器,矿斗内衬的理想材料,碳化硅耐磨性能是铸铁、橡胶使用寿命的5--20倍,碳化硅是航空飞行跑道的理想材料之一。建材陶瓷砂轮工业方面:利用碳化硅导热系数、热辐射、高热强度大的特性,制造薄板窑具,不仅能减少窑具容量,还提高了窑炉的装容量和产品质量,缩短了生产周期,碳化硅是陶瓷釉面烘烤烧结理想的间接材料。1、运输与装卸:碳化硅在运输过程中,不得用铁钩拖拽,应防止与坚硬物质混装,不可强烈振动、磨擦、踩、砸,严禁抛掷,应轻装轻卸,以减少包装破碎,影响使用。2、储存:碳化硅应储存于阴凉干燥处,防止内外包装袋破裂,防止受潮和其它物质,影响使用效果、存放要远离污染源。3、严禁水浸:碳化硅属于高级磨料,所以在运输、储存和使用过程中,都要防止水浸,因水浸后,严重影响使用效果。登封市森利达磨料磨具销售有限公司经理:李芸手机:Q Q: 2740217005邮箱:2740217005@qq.com网址地址:河南登封市少林办事处刘庄村Silicon carbide is with quartz sand and petroleum coke (or coal), wood (green silicon carbide production need to add salt) and other raw materials in the resistance furnace high temperature smelting and become classics. In the contemporary C, N, B and other non oxide high technology refractory raw materials, silicon carbide is the most widely used, the most economical one, can be called the steel sand or refractory sand. Silicon carbide is also called moissanite, carborundum, refractory sand, quartz sand and petroleum coke, wood and other raw materials in the resistance furnace high temperature smelting and. Silicon carbide with black and green silicon carbide silicon carbide two commonly used basic varieties: 1 black silicon carbide SiC containing about 95%, the toughness is higher than the green silicon carbide, black silicon carbide for processing low tensile strength of the material, such as glass, ceramics, stone, refractory material, cast iron and non-ferrous metals; II green silicon carbide containing SiC98% above, good self sharpening, green silicon carbide for processing hard alloy, titanium alloy and optical glass, green silicon carbide for honing the cylinder and fine grinding HSS Cutting Tools.Abrasives: silicon carbide is mainly used for making grinding wheel, abrasive paper, abrasive, abrasive, grinding, grinding head, grinding paste and photovoltaic products monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and electronic industry of piezoelectric crystal aspects such as grinding, polishing etc..Chemical industry: silicon carbide can be used as a steel making agent and the improvement agent of cast iron, can be used as raw materials to manufacture four silicon tetrachloride, is the main raw material of silicon resin industry. SiC deoxidation agent is a new type of strong composite deoxidizing agent, to replace the traditional silicon powder toner for deoxidation, and the original process compared to the physical and chemical performance is more stable, good deoxidizing effect, deoxidizing time relationship, energy conservation, improve the efficiency of steel, improve steel quality, low raw material consumption, reduce environmental pollution, improve working conditions, and the comprehensive economic benefits of improving furnace has an important value.Wear resistant, fire resistant, and resistant corrosion materials: using silicon carbide with corrosion resistant, high temperature resistant, high strength, good thermal conductivity, impact resistance and other properties, silicon carbide on the one hand, can be used in all kinds of smelting furnace lining, high temperature furnaces component, silicon carbide plate, lining board, support, sagger, silicon carbide crucible etc.. On the other hand, SiC can be used for non-ferrous metal smelting industry of high temperature indirect heating materials, such as vertical retort furnace, distillation furnace tray, aluminum electrolytic tank, copper smelting furnace lining, zinc powder furnace arc plate, the thermocouple protection tube, etc.. Silicon carbide used in the production of wear-resistant, corrosion, high temperature and other advanced silicon carbide ceramic materials. Silicon carbide can also make rocket nozzle, gas turbine blades, etc.. In addition, silicon carbide is one of the ideal materials for the highway, aircraft runway solar water heater, etc..Non-ferrous metals: using silicon carbide with high temperature resistance, strength, good thermal conductivity, impact, high temperature indirect heating material, such as firm retort furnace, furnace distillation tray, aluminum electrolytic tank, copper smelting furnace lining, zinc powder furnace with arc plate, thermocouple protection tube.Iron and steel: the use of silicon carbide corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistance and wear resistance, good thermal conductivity, used for large blast furnace lining to improve the service life.Metallurgical processing: silicon carbide hardness is second only to diamond, has a strong wear resistance, silicon carbide is wear-resistant pipe, impeller, pump room, cyclone, the ideal material of the mine hopper lining, silicon carbide wear-resistant properties of cast iron, rubber service life of 5--20 times, silicon carbide is one of the ideal material for aerial flight runway.Building materials ceramic grinding wheel industry: using SiC thermal conductivity, heat radiation, high strength characteristics, manufacturing sheet kiln with, not only can reduce the capacity of kiln furniture, but also increase the kiln loading capacity and the quality of the products and shorten the p熔点 : 1800℃ ;硬度 : 9.2 ;密度 : 1.53g/cm3(g/cm3) ;含量≥ : 99.5(%) ;原产地 : 河南 ;【光学玻璃】

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